become a hospital indemnity guru!

The rapid growth of Medicare Advantage plans has created a huge opportunity for agents across the country - hospital indemnity sales.  Just like adding a supplement to original Medicare, hospital indemnity plans (HIP) enhance your client's MA coverage by providing financial assistance for high out-of-pocket items, like inpatient hospitalization, outpatient surgery, ambulance rides and even a cancer diagnosis.  To help you take full advantage of this growing market we're offering our full suite of agent training videos so you can learn everything you'll need to know to make the most of every opportunity, plus hear from our top HIP carriers on what makes their products a must-have in your portfolio. Building your portfolio and positioning these products during the time of your Medicare sale is simplistic, see for yourself how to best implement these products and add thousands to your annual income with ease.  


Did you know?


Fact #1

Clients prefer to maximize their Medicare coverage. Hospital Indemnity, Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke plans are sold on 30-45% of Medicare appointments, when a customer is fully educated on the benefit options.*

Fact #2

It is compliant to sell Hospital Indemnity plans during your MA and PDP appointments.**

Fact #3

The majority of the Hospital Indemnity carriers have very easy to use and navigate e-application and quoting tools.

Fact #4

The average Hospital Indemnity first year plan compensation is $300-$400, and the carriers typically pay out commissions within a week.***

Fact #5

Hospital Indemnity plans can also be a great add-on for ACA and HDF Medicare Supplement customers.

Fact #6

We have the JSA MyQuote tool set up to include Hospital Indemnity plan pricing.

*Based on internal sales data.  **42 CFR § 422.2263 - General marketing requirements. ***Based on internal first year premium and commission data.